Cat5 - Advance Reservations & Ticketing
Many times Airlines mistakenly file bytes 64-67 which can lead to pricing being allowed where the Airline intended to restrict it to an Advance Purchase.
Advance Ticketing - Exception Time - Bytes 64-67
This field is used to indicate that the ticketing requirements are only applicable if reservations are made by the time specified. The Exception Time is a match field, and the data specified within the Record 3 table will only apply if the reservation time matches the Exception Time. Application of the Exception Time is an exception to Record 2 string processing. When the Exception Time is coded and matched (and the Override Date Table is also matched) processing must pass or fail on that table. Processing cannot read on to any other tables.

Reservation Date: 13Mar
The system is correct in failing for CAT 5-Advance reservation condition because the reservation is made at least 8 days before departure we match to exception time and process the first table condition and fail for CAT5 as reservation before 15 days not permitted. It is then NOT reading any further to the OR table (as per the data apps)

Travelport apply ATPCO Data application for CAT5 and Airline has coded the exception byte with 14 days where the exception byte is coded the advance res and ticketing is not processed unless it matches. In this case we no match as we are inside 14 days.
Exception Time (Bytes 64-67) is Coded
When the fare being validated does not match to the Override Date Table or Exception Time (data is entered in the field), then this Category 5 table is considered a no-match, and processing should continue to an OR Table, AND Table, or next Set. If another Table or Set is not found, or also did not match based on the Override Date Table or Exception Time (field is blank), then apply the system assumption; i.e., no advance reservation and ticketing restrictions for the fare being validated at this level.